So, the past few posts have been pretty uneventful. To quote one person… even boring. Well, I am hoping that today’s update will be as exciting for you as it is for me.
First, Sam gained back all the weight he pooped out and then some. How now weighs 2 lbs 5.4 ozs. But more than that… Theresa felt he was stable enough to being cannula sprints again. As I mentioned yesterday, the idea is to time the sprints to when I am holding Sam as he has better oxygen saturation when he is in my arms. So, aside from this being a big next step, it also means that we get to see that beautiful and handsome face of Sam’s in all its glory:

The goal we had for this run was to have him on 33% oxygen for 1.5 hours. Well- we made it 1 hour 15 min… but a huge portion of that time was on 31% oxygen! Sam is such a rock star. Here are a few more pics from the sprint:

When the sprint was done, Sam was pretty wiped out:

In other non-sprint news, Sam is now getting 6MLs every 3 hours. Starting tomorrow they will be increasing his intake on every feed. This is great news as we have officially filled our large extra freezer and are about to start hitting up friends for freezer space!
The only negative-ish news to report is the return of the brady’s. These are pretty minor, and most of the time happen quick and self correct just as fast. It is a reminder however that despite how well Sam is doing, he is still a preemie.
And now for your video moment of zen (enjoy the silence that comes from having the CPAP machine turned off!):
I like boring! Boring to me means steady growth and few health scares for Sam — and you. After the craziness of the past week, you guys deserve a break from the roller coaster. 🙂
I love this new photo of Sam. He looks great. I am so thrilled at his progress. I haven’t looked for about 4 days. He is a rock star.
And a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IRENE! Hugs, Wendy B.